Seasonal Cleanse


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Spring Cleanse

Fall Cleanse

March – April

Ayurveda recommends 2 seasonal cleanses per year. In spring, the cleanse is more langhana or lightening in nature, whereas the one in Fall is more brmhana, or nourishing. The seasonal cleanses last for 14 days in Spring and 21 days in Fall.

October – November

The Seasonal cleanse includes












Price: $375

Includes herbal formulations

Prevention over cure is the model of Ayurveda. On top of daily routines and good eating habits, Since the dawn of time, Ayurveda has recommended seasonal regimens in the ritu carya or seasonal routines to preserve health and cleanse the body. Especially during the change of seasons, the mind and body complex experiences change the same way nature does. The body and nature go through cycles throughout the year. Indeed, nature has 4 seasons. 

Oleation Phase

Each season has its own energetic composition:

Winter and seasonal cleanse ayurveda
summer and ayurvedic cleanse
Fall and Ayurvedic cleanse

In Winter, nature goes into hibernation, and stores energy in its soil. The cold, stable, heavy smooth qualities are increasing. Ayurveda says that it is the Kapha season because Kapha is made of the same qualities (cold, heavy, dense, smooth, stable, cloudy, and gross). Since Kapha increases in nature, and we are part of nature, the changes outside reflect changes inside.  The body gathers nutrients to handle the cooler temperature, and Kapha accumulate.


When Spring comes, the sun’s energy increases melting the ice and the accumulated Kapha in nature and in the body. The sticky and heavy Kapha flows in its site. If left unchecked, we may experience itching in the eyes and throat, weight gain, lethargy, and cold symptoms. This is why Ayurveda recommends a seasonal cleanse in the transition between winter and spring to counteract the effects caused by excess Kapha.

Summer is the heating season; it hypes the heat in the body and depletes the tissues. It is essential to stay hydrated and consume sweet tastes to pacify the Pitta energy. Indeed, Pitta is made of fire and water. The fire contained in the sun increases Pitta in nature and in the body.







In the Fall season, wind, and cold return. All the dryness that accumulated in summer is exacerbated. Once again, Ayurveda recommends a seasonal cleanse to get rid of the excess Vata. Vata is made of air and ether. If Vata stays in excess in the body, we may experience bloated sensations, constipation, an unsteady mind, insomnia, and anxiety.

What to expect during the cleanse?

3 phases

Preparative Phase

We focus on kindling the digestive fire and removing undigested particles from the gut. Aama is undigested particles in the body that become toxic. This phase can start even sooner (3 to 4 weeks before) the main depending on the current condition. That is why there is no reason to wait before booking the cleanse. The sooner you schedule the cleanse, the better prepared you will be. During the preparatory phase, we only focus on diet and lifestyle changes. With the addition of herbal formulations, your body will better digest food, and even digest toxins. This is an area where Ayurveda shines. Indeed, you will get so much benefit from knowing what diet and lifestyle habits are conducive to your health.

Oleation Phase

During this phase, you will internally and externally oleate the body. You will internally take a medicated ghee. This will bring all the toxins which are stuck and well seated in the limbs to the gut, for a quick exit. At the end of the oleating phase, we will perform the elimination therapy. All the toxins which were pushed to the gut get completely removed from the body.

Rejuvenative Phase

Consider it as an interior renovation. When you remove old paint from the walls, cracks, and dents might appear. They need to be filled and polished. Rasayana does that to your body. It nourishes the weak spots, leaving you stronger and more able to handle future stress. Moreover, renovation may take more time and attention than others. In the same way, Rasayana could last longer depending on the need.

seasonal cleanse ayurveda
Oleating phase

Hear about their experience

It is with great happiness that I share this experience that I lived and that I continue to live with my accompaniment by Stephanie. Stephanie was able to listen to me and read between my words to understand my personality, my emotions, my eating habits and especially my story. She asked me questions and at first I wondered why you asked such questions before understanding the scope of my answers in her determination of the protocol she put in place for my care. In three weeks, I felt truly transformed, both physically and mentally. I regained a weight that I had not had for almost forty years and especially a waistline that I never imagined finding again one day. I felt alive again and felt emotions of joy, openness in my heart and connection with nature. Infinite gratitude for everything. Stephanie advised me on my diet, the composition of my meals, my meal times and for physical exercises. I had a proper diet for a few days, a protocol for cleaning my body both externally and internally In addition to food, I received regular massages and body treatments. These treatments not only gave me deep relaxation, but they also helped the circulation of vital energy in my body. I felt a real release of accumulated tension and a general feeling of lightness and well-being. Stephanie also took into account the mental and emotional aspect by offering me breathing and yoga practices that allowed me to achieve mental clarity, inner peace and emotional balance. These valuable tools have helped me deal with daily stress more effectively and connect to a deep sense of inner calm. By following these recommendations, I noticed a significant improvement in my digestion, an increase in my overall energy level and overall well-being. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for balance and overall harmony. Its ancient, holistic approach to health provides a host of lasting benefits for body, mind, and soul. .